No, You Cant Beat A UFC Fighter! đŸ„Š

No, seeing "red" isnt a thing.

Links (you might notice a theme this week):

  • An unconditional love between and a man and his dog relies on undying loyalty (Link)

  • Be like the eagle (Link)

  • Everybody has the ability to get off the couch, but most just refuse to do so (Link)

  • What makes you exceptional? (Link)

  • From the 🐐 mouth, “sometimes, you have to fight your mind” (Link)

  • Wise words from some of the greatest to ever do it(Link)

No You Cant Beat a UFC Fighter đŸ„Š 

Most men have been in some sort of physical altercation. If you’re lucky enough, it’s not been with someone who has any fighting chops. However, If you’ve fought someone that knows how to fight you’ve probably understood pretty quickly, how fucked you are. This common misunderstanding does not stop most men from wildly overestimating how strong they are or how well they would fair against a top fighter.

As one can see from this chart, the % of men who believe they can beat apex predators, while low is still too high. On the other hand, you have to appreciate the 30% of men who admitted that they couldn’t beat a rat. If you part of the 6% that actually believe they have a chance with a grizzly bear, I love your confidence bro, but you’re dangerously delusional.

You literally don’t even the ability to hurt a bear with your bare hands, unless maybe you can somehow poke it in the eye. Regardless, it will rip you to pieces in the most brutal fashion in seconds. So ya carry some bear spray on your next hike. Same goes for every single animal listed below a large dog. A gorilla?????? are you serious?????

As someone who has trained Muay Thai for 20 years, fought 25+ amateur fights and has been around some absolute killers. It drives me bananas when I hear people who clearly have no background in fighting say “ I could take that professional fighter, like dude when I see red, no you don’t understand, i’m an animal.” Again, love the confidence, but no.

A professional fighter would absolutely maul you if they wanted to, they literally could do anything they wanted to you and there would be nothing you could do to stop them.

I’ve watched too many videos of “street fighters” going into gyms and challenging professional fighters only to get absolutely manhandled. I’ll be honest, I thoroughly enjoy those videos and usually watch them repeatedly.

Ok! Now that we have established that you Phillip, a non trained dude cannot beat another trained dude we can get to the meat of the article.

Sick Muay Thai GIF by ONE Championship

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You need to start training son!

Doesn’t matter if its Boxing, BJJ, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Sambo, etc

While some are better than others, different people prefer different disciplines that fit their needs, their ability and/or age or fitness level.

So why do you need to learn martial arts?

Here are 5 reasons:

  • Self-Defense and Safety: First time you spar in the gym, its a scary feeling, especially since you are fighting guys that are likely better and more experienced than you are. However, overtime getting hit, seeing punches, actively hitting others will feel more natural. With time you realize you can actually defend yourself pretty well against the majority of the populace. Knowing you can defend yourself, your girl or a friend is a MAJOR confidence booster which leads us to point number 2.

  • Confidence and Self-Esteem: A topic we touched on a little in our last post - confidence. Knowing you can defend yourself, boosts your confidence in a major way. This will ripple into every other aspect of your life and you will start to carry yourself differently.

  • Mental Discipline: Muay Thai (or any other discipline) is fucking hard. When you consistently go to the gym, face your fears, get better at your craft. You are not only developing physical prowess but strengthening your mental fortitude. What seemed impossible yesterday, is easy work today. Building that mental discipline & resilience will ripple into other areas of your life as well.

  • Physical Fitness: Maintain Weight,reduce stress, improve coordination, flexibility, power and balance. These are only a few of the physical advantages one can gain when he starts training regularly, its a fucking killer workout.

  • Community: Every gym has got a couple of weirdos, its the law of martial arts, it just attracts them. Steer clear of those. With that said you will meet some of the nicest, humblest and greatest guys you will ever meet in the gym. The gym is a great place to meet like minded men and build fruitful friendships.

Finding a gym. Here is where it gets tricky. This small task can be the difference between a great experience and a horrible one that will make you never want to step into a gym ever again!

3 things to look out for:

  • Make sure it’s a legit gym not some weird dojo with some weird sensei that everyone looks up in a cultish way, those exist. Also if the students are falling without the “master” touching the, run away. Check out this account if you want to see some of the bullshido that’s out there.

  • Size. Just like Goldilocks, you want a gym that’s not too big and not too small but justtttttttt right. With a tiny gym you don’t get enough sparring partners, with a massive gym you get very little attention from the coaches. Find a place that an average class is about 20-25 people.

  • Read reviews. Find a gym with good reviews, a decent social media account and coaches that are there to improve you, not boost their own ego by putting students down.

Generally speaking, I would start with Muay Thai, BJJ, Boxing or MMA gyms that combine them all. You can definitely look for Karate or Krav Maga or Wing Chun or Kung Fu, or anything else that you are interested in BUT, they are not as useful/effective and more importantly there are so many charlatans out there, so beware.

Go forth!

Floyd Mayweather Boxing GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

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